
Register to complete forms authored by the team: Welsh IG Toolkit.

Already registered to complete forms for another Caforb Team? Forms can be completed for multiple Caforb Teams with the same account. Login and return to this page for the quick registration form.

After the registration form is submitted, your application will be sent to the Welsh IG Toolkit Team for review. You'll receive further instructions by email after your application has been processed.

Your account

We need this information to create your account.

Organisation detail

Which Organisation would you like to complete forms for? Search for them by name or Organisation code.

Note: Organisations with the warning icon (âš ) prefix either have an Organisation administrator registered already or their registration is awaiting review. If you want to be the Organisation administrator of that Organisation, you must contact the Welsh IG Toolkit team directly.

  • No Organisation has been selected
  • Invalid Organisation has been selected
  • A Child Organisation has been selected. You cannot register for a Child Organisation.
  • Selected Organisation
  • Health board hasn't been recorded.
  • Cluster hasn't been recorded.

Organisation profile

This information is specific to the Organisation you've chosen to complete forms for. This can be updated later.

Built by Corporate Applications - DHCW. v6.1.6 [Production].